Spacious and warm room with private bathroom. Viviana C

*These photos have not been retouched or otherwise modified using editing software (Photoshop or other) with the exception of file format changes to allow correct viewing on the Spare Rooms Buenos Aires Website.


The room

Warm room with a bed, for one person, with everything you need: Good mattress, bedside table, storage space and desk.
Exclusive full bathroom en suite.
fan at your disposal, to spend the summer days, and heating for the cold winter days.


The apartment

Location: Av. Rivadavia and Boedo
Nice old building in the Almagro neighborhood, which has already received students from all over the world. A true home to feel at home away from home.
An apartment with a large living room available to guests, full of stories and very cozy where 2 bedrooms are rented.
The room has a fan to keep you cool on hot summer days, and heating on cold winter days. It has a good storage place and desk. The bathroom is private and en-suite
A fully equipped kitchen is at your disposal and has an oven, refrigerator with freezer, and complete kitchen utensils.
The rent includes the payment of all utilities (gas, electricity, city taxes, utilities, Internet, change of sheets and towels and weekly cleaning).
The rent also includes full access to the amenities of the apartment:
• The kitchen, and a separate space in the kitchen closets and shelves in the refrigerator, for you to store your food.
• Wi-fi Internet.
This neighborhood stands out for its strategic location in the middle of the city with easy access to transportation in all directions of the city: there is a wide variety of buses, and it is very close to the A subway line. Very close to the Faculty of Psychology of the UBA and the UNA.



  • Wifi
  • Microwave
  • Iron
  • Hair dryer
  • Telephone
  • TV
  • Fan
  • Private bathroon
  • Heat
  • Refrigerator
  • No Smoking
  • Single bed
Acerca de la zona

About the area

"A very commercial neighborhood, connected to subways and buses, with a lot of Tango history in Buenos Aires."

24 - hour Guarantee - Reality Check!

24 - hour Guarantee - Reality Check!

We want you to have the best experience possible, which is why we check each and every room and assure you that they look EXACTLY like they do in the pictures. If you arrive and within 24 hours notice that something does not match the pictures or descriptions that you saw and you no longer wish to stay in the room, don t worry! Just let us know and we will refund your booking payment in full. Super easy and risk-free.


Comments about this room

(Please send us a review of the room you stayed in) No comments yet!

Average result

  • How accurate were the
    photos and descriptions?

  • Cleanliness of
    the house

  • Overall condition of
    the house

Comments (Please send us a review of the room you stayed in)

More rooms in Almagro/Abasto

Consulta de reserva


U$S 175

Month rent

Fee U$S 230 (?) | Depósito U$S 175 (?)

Who lives there?

Viviana is the owner of this charming apartment and defines herself as "quiet and a lover of collections and memories".

Languages spoken in the house

Spanish / English /

  • Ubicaci n


  • Nearby modes of transportation

  • Medios de transporte


  • Linea de subte


    Subway: Station, line A (2 blocks).Subway: Station, line B (6 blocks).
  • Lineas de colectivo


Rent includes

  • » Electricity
  • » Water
  • » Building Fees
  • » Gas
  • » Taxes
  • » Cleaning
  • » Bed sheets
  • » Crockery


« September 2024 »

   Busy    Available

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    If the room is available, pay the reservation deposit and relax, you've got your room in Buenos Aires.

    If the room is occupied we will get back to you with similar options.

This room has a minimum stay of 3 months

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